The macro area of Drawing, History of Architecture and Restoration deals with the complexity of acquiring knowledge of architectural, urban and environmental realities, as well as the preservation and enhancement of the historical, architectural and landscape heritage, using several scientific and technological means of investigation and the most advanced instrumental methodologies. Along with cognitive investigations - implemented through historical studies, and critical reading of compositional and constructive realities - attention is paid to the dissemination of knowledge.
The scientific activity of the area of DRAWING deals with the architectural, urban and environmental representation, in its broadest meaning as a cognitive mean of the rules that govern formal structures, as a tool for the analysis of existing values, as an act of visual communication of the design idea and knowledge of architectural, urban and environmental reality. It also deals with computer modeling, virtual representation, and the most advanced digital survey methodologies.
The scientific activities of HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE concern the history of culture and activities pertaining to the formation and transformation of the environment, in relation to the political, economic, social and cultural framework of the various eras. The topics of historical investigations range from the representation of architectural space to building techniques; from the history of theories of architecture to the critical study of architectural works, considered in their context with reference to their origins, programs and uses, in their formal and technical characteristics, in their built reality and in their meanings.
In the area of RESTORATION, research activities concern critical understanding of the figural and material consistency of monuments in their complex temporal stratification; the analysis of degradation phenomena; methods and processes for the design and conservation interventions of buildings, archaeological remnants, historic parks or gardens, ancient city centers, territory and landscape assets, and for the maintenance, rehabilitation, consolidation and renovation of historic buildings.