Bio / CV
Emanuele Crisostomi was born in Terni in 1980. He graduated with honours in “Automation Engineering” and received a PhD in “Automation, Robotics and Bioengineering” from University of Pisa. He has been a visiting PhD at University of Cambridge and at University of Leicester in the UK, and a visiting Reseacher at the Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM). Since 2011 he has been with the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering, University of Pisa, first as an assistant professor, and since 2017 as an associate professor of electotechnics.
Emanuele is contact point of the university of Pisa for EERA and of the department for VQR.
My research interests include smart grid control and management, graph theory and control, electric mobility and energy positive buildings.
I am currently involved in a PRIN project VECTORS for Advanced Network Control of Future Smart Grids (2020-2024 as unit coordinator of the university of Pisa), and Re-Start Toscana (2021-2024) for the optimised management of Post-Covid buildings.
I am the author of one book on electric vehicles: Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Networks - Optimization and Control, with R. Shorten, S. Stüdli and F. Wirth in 2017 and the editor of one book of the sharing economy: Analytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives, with B. Ghaddar, F. Häusler, J. Naoum-Sawaya, G. Russo and R. Shorten in 2020.
I currently serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Access and for Plos One. My Erdös number is 3.
I am currently a teacher of the following courses:
"Elettrotecnica": see here for past texts of exam;
"Principi di Ingegneria Elettrica";
"Sistemi Domotici per l'Edilizia Residenziale e Pubblica" e "Domotica e Impianti Elettrici";
"Smart Grids e Fonti Rinnovabili" ed "Elaborazione Dati per la Gestione dell'Energia e la Sostenibilità".