Bio / CV
Sami Barmada was born in Livorno, Italy, on the 18th November 1970.
In 1989 he joined the Electrical Engineering program at the University of Pisa where he graduated in June 1995.
In November 1995 he joined ABB Teknologi AS in Billingstadt, Norway, where he worked in the Power Systems and Components Department until June 1997.
In 1997 he joined the Ph.D. course in Applied Electromagnetics at the University of Pisa, and in year 2000 he discussed the thesis entitled “Wavelet Expansion Methods for the Numerical Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines”.
During the Ph.D. he was a visiting student at the University of Akron, OH, USA, under the supervision of Professor Nathan Ida, at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
He was Assistant Professor and Associate Professor from 2004 to 2016 at the University of Pisa (DESTEC department), where he is now Full Professor since year 2016.
International coordination activities
- President, ACES Society, 2015 – 2017.
- Vice President, ACES Society, 2013 – 2015
- ACES Officer, 2007 – present.
- International Steering Committee Member CEFC, 2016 – present
- Co-Editor in chief of the ACES Journal, 2018 – present
- Associate Editor of the ACES Journal, 2008 – 2017
- ACES Fellow (2014)
- IEEE Senior Member (2010)
- The John F Alcock Memorial Prize: (2004): awarded annually to a paper published by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers which concentrates on technical innovation in the railway traction field (S. Barmada, A. Landi, M. Papi, L. Sani, “Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis for Monitoring the Occurrence of Arcing on Overhead Electrified Railways”)
- The Exemplary Service Award: ACES Society (2008) for “Outstanding Service as 2007 ACES Symposium Chair”.
- The ACES Meritorious Service Award: ACES Society (2015) “For exemplary and dedicated service to the society including the annual conference and the ACES Journal”.
International Conferences (General Chairman):
- ACES 2007 (Verona, Italy)
- ACES 2017 (Firenze, Italy)
- CEFC 2020 (Pisa, Italy)
- Compumag 2025 (Napoli, Italy, Vice-chairman)
International Conferences (Technical Program Chairman)
- PIERS 2004 (Pisa, Italy)
- ACES 2013 (Monterey, USA)
- ACES 2014 (Jacksonville, USA)
- IEEE ICWITS – ACES 2016 (Honolulu, USA)
- ACES 2020 (Monterey, USA)
- ACES 2021 (Virtual)
- IEEE CEFC 2022 (Denver, Colorado, USA)
International Conferences (Editorial Board)
- CEFC 2002 (Perugia, Italy)
- CEFC 2010 (Chicago, USA)
- COMPUMAG 2011 (Sydney, Australia)
- RAILWAYS 2014 (Ajaccio, France)
- RAILWAYS 2016 (Cagliari, Italy)
- CEFC 2016 (Miami, USA)
- RAILWAYS 2018 (Barcelona, Spain)
- CEFC 2018 (Hanzhou, China)
- RAILWAYS 2021 (Palma, Spain)
Prof. Barmada is the author or co-author of more than 150 papers published on international journals and international conference proceedings. His research interests are in the area of applied and numerical electromagnetics. The most important ones are
- Wireless Power Transfer systems (design of coupled power/data transfer systems, shielding issues)
- Optimization of EM devices based on artificial intelligence based algorithms.
- Signal processing for Non Destructive Testing and Preventive Maintenance, with special attention dedicated to the analysis of Railway Systems.
- Numerical methods for the calculation of EM fields in systems and apparatuses.
Prof. Sami Barmada is currently teaching “Elettrotenica” (Circuit theory) to the students of Chemical Engineering, and Electronic Engineering, and “Elettromagnetismo applicato e metodi di ottimizzazione” (Applied electromagnetics and optimization methods) to the students of Electrical Engineering.
Between years 2008 and 2012 he taught Applied Electromagnetics to the students of Electrical Engineering.