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Cognome e Nome
Boschi Antonello
Professore associato
Bio / CV

Antonello Boschi (1964) studied in Florence, where he graduated with Adolfo Natalini and earned a Ph.D. in Architectural and Urban Design. His essays, works and reviews have been published in Abitare, Area, Archi, Architectural Record, ArchitéctiArquitectura VivaBauwelt, Casabella, DetailDiseño Interior, Domus, Interni, MateriaOn Diseño, Rassegna, The Architectural Review. Major writings include Fenomenologia della facciata (Milan 2010), Ri-scritture/Re-Writings (Milan 2011), Filosofia del Nascosto. Costruire, pensare, abitare nel sottosuolo (Venice 2015), L’architettura della villa moderna (3 vols., Macerata 2016-2018), Abbandoni e resistenze. Note per una fenomenologia della facciata nel Novecento (Pisa 2020), Poetics of Underground Space (London 2021), Sottrazioni / Subtractions (Pisa 2022), Between the Building and the Street. A Phenomenologyof the Facade (Macerata 2023). He is currently Associate Professor at the School of Engineering in Pisa, where he lectures on Architectural Composition.
