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Cognome e Nome
Desideri Umberto
Professore ordinario
Bio / CV

MSc in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florence, Italy in 1988.
Achieved a PhD in Energy Engineering at the Department of Energy Engineering of the University of Florence in 1993
Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at the University of Perugia from 1992 to 2004
Full professor of Thermal Machines at the University of Perugia from December 2004 to October 2014.
Full professor of Thermal Machines at the University of Pisa since November 2014.
Head of the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia, with more than 80 permanent staff of Professors from January 1 to October 31, 2014 and member of the Senate of the University of Perugia.

Head of the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering of the University of Pisa, with more than 60 permanent staff of Professors from November 1 2016 to October 31 2020.

Member of the Administration Board of the University of Perugia from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013.

Member of the Editorial Board of the ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology from 2005 to 2017
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Applied Energy since 2007, Associate Editor since 2011, Senior Editor since 2022.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Applied Thermal Engineering since 2013.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Energy Conversion and Management form 1999 to 2002

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Energies since 2017.

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Frontiers in Energy since 2022

Member of the Elsevier Advisory Panel since 2017.

Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences since 201

Chair of the organizing committee of the International Conference ICAE2011, which was held in Perugia from May 16th to 18th 2011. Member of the International Scientific Committee of ICAE2012 (Suzhou, China), ICAE2013 (Pretoria, South Africa), ICAE2014 (Taipei, Taiwan) and ICAE2015 (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Chair of the Coal Biomass and Alternative Fuels Commitee of the International Gas Turbine Institute from 2006 to 2008
Vice Chair of the Coal Biomass and Alternative Fuels Commitee of the International Gas Turbine Institute from 2004 to 2006
Since 1994, Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with Fellow grade
Since 2010 is member of the Codes and Standard Committee of the ASME which is developing the Perfomance Test Code 48 “Overall Plant Performance with Carbon Capture”
Since 2005 founder of the Spin-off company: Tecnologie per la riduzione delle emissioni engineering srl.
Since 2005 founder of the Spin-off company: Biomasse e nuove tecnologie srl.
Director of the International Master “Techologies for Greenhouse Gases Mitigation” from 2003 to 2005

Director of the International Master “Commissioning of Renewable Power Plants” organized at the University of Pisa with Enel Green Power from 2018

Since 2008 is member of the Taskforce Technology of the European Union Zero Emission Platform

Since 2019: Member of the European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIP) Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET)

Since 2020: Member of the EU Hydrogen Europe Research.

Since 2020: Member of the EU EERA H2 and Fuel cell

Visiting professor at the Warsaw Polytechnic University, the University of Goettingen and Malardalens University
From 2007 to 2014 Scientific Responsible of the fuel cell laboratory of the University of Perugia (Fclab).
From 2010 to 2014 Scientific Responsible of the Wind Tunnel of the University of Perugia.
Expert reviewer for projects submitted to the Dutch Ministry of Environment, to the City University of Hong Kong, to the Hong Kong University, to the French ANR, to the Ministry of Education of Romania and to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Technical University of Graz, Swiss National Foundation.
Supervisor of more than 200 Master’s thesis in Mechanical, Energy, Environmental, Civil Engineering.
Supervisor of more than 40 PhD theses




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