Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2 INVESTIMENTO 1.4 “Potenziamento strutture di ricerca e creazione di "campioni nazionali di R&S"0 su alcune Key Enabling Technologies”
The spoke “Electric traction and batteries” has the overall goal of creating a network of research centres and laboratories, large-scale demonstration environments, full-scale prototypal applications, and Living Labs to achieve the following challenging but feasible operational and strategic goals:
- Development of equipment for Smart Electric Mobility Systems
- Development of power-dense and highly-efficient Power Converters and Electrical Machines: lightening, new materials, reliability, condition monitoring and diagnostics, system integration
- Development of materials for electrochemical energy storage, conversion, and integrated photovoltaics, with emphasis on sustainability, safety, second life and recyclability
- Development/production of electrochemical and hybrid cells and battery packs, supercapacitors and fuel cells: dedicated components engineering, integrated control and diagnostics for improved performance and lifetime 188 - Development of devices and systems for fast and ultra-fast innovative charging infrastructures
- Development of models, control strategies and system architectures to interface different mobility infrastructures with Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), Battery Electric Storage Systems (BESSs) and grid.
- Development and implementation of a Project Exploitation and Business Plan
- Implementation of networking activities and synergies with other National and EU initiatives.
Regarding the methods to be adopted for the development of the goals just described, it is possible to classify them in the following way:
- Fundamental investigations, managed with the specific strategy of providing industry-relevant answers and solutions, are carried out to increase the chemical-physical understanding of state-of-the-art materials and the mechanisms determining performance, safety, and degradation, exploiting the most advanced experimental operando techniques coupled with fundamental modelling tools; sustainable innovative materials and components are designed, manufactured, fully characterized, and engineered
- Complete electrochemical devices are designed and produced, including new sustainable chemical solutions and architectures, engineered and assembled including thermal management, structural and safety aspects; performance and degradation are characterized during real-life operation, adopting state-of-the-art and innovative experimental techniques and multi-physics modelling tools, with a strong monitoring and control slant
- Device dynamic behaviour and interactions with energy-intensive auxiliaries, electric drives and converters are analysed through experimental and modelling activities; methods, components and auxiliaries for device monitoring, control and diagnostics are developed and experimentally tested to optimize safety, efficiency and lifetime
A circular economy perspective is adopted during each development step, assessing sustainability and industrial scalability of the whole value chain, including material manufacturing, device assembly and remanufacturing, device/cell/component reuse in second life and final recycling
DESTeC participates to the following tasks:
task 2.1.1: "High-efficiency high-power density power converters" Prof. Barmada
task 2.1.2: "High-efficiency high-power density electric drives" Prof. Musolino
task 2.3: "Power quality, safety, resilience and synergistic management of renewable sources in electric supply infrastructures" Prof. Ceraolo
task 2.4: "Models and control strategies for optimizing RESs and BESSs energy opportunity" Prof. Lutzemberger
Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano
Other University Partners:
- University Milano-Bicocca
- University of Padova
- University of Bologna
- University of Cassino
- University of Modena-Reggio Emilia
- University of Pisa
- Politecnico di Torino
- University of Roma
Industrial partners
- A2A S.p.A.
- Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A.
- C.R.F. S.C.p.A.
- Ferrari S.p.A:
- Intesa Sampaolo S.p.A.
- Iveco Group N.V.
- Accenture S.p.A.
Start date: 01/09/2022
End date: 31/08/2025
Duration: months 36
Website: Most (centronazionalemost.it)