Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2 (Investimento 1.3 – Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di Proposte di intervento per la creazione di “Partenariati estesi alle università, ai centri di ricerca, alle aziende per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca di base”)
The project "NEST, Network for Energy Sustainable Technologies" framed in the PE program "Green Energies for the Future" aims to connect the main laboratories and university research groups and the main national research bodies, identifying interdisciplinary skills in order to develop technologies for the conversion and use of renewable sources that should be sustainable, both from an environmental and a social point of view, and resilient for the energy production and distribution, while being less subject to the risks deriving from the current supply system of fossil fuels, basically, oil, and natural gas.
The ambition is to build a competent Italian leadership, strongly integrated with the territory and companies and capable of supporting the future development towards sustainable and decarbonized energy production and distribution.
This organization allows for a strong interaction among the research groups active in the different spokes, backed up by a significant investment in human resources and infrastructures to increase TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of the most promising ideas and make solutions scalable in the 9 different spokes involved.
Spoke 4 is about “Clean Hydrogen and Final Uses”. Recent EU policies and Italian PNRR and PNR identified hydrogen as key enabling energy vector for National/EU future. In this sense, Italy has to promote a new economic paradigm, where H2 will have a pivotal role. Spoke 4 aims to lay down a technology roadmap to boost Italian H2 revolution, based on innovative technologies, materials and enabling tools (modelling and regulatory approach). At this purpose 5 WPs have been identified, all of them targeting to study a specific “enabling angle” of this new H2 ecosystem and promoting R&D via a technology transfer approach and looking at overall sustainability/manufacturability. The WPs will always assess the following aspects: Modelling, Material, Prototyping (at component and system level) and low scale experimental activities in key Italian labs (targeting TRL4/5 and application in different sectors (hydrogen production and use, stationary and mobile application, civil and industrial contexts), Impact assessment and identification of drivers/barriers for the promotion of FCH technology.
University of Genova (UNIGE)– Leader
Main Contact: Loredana Magistri
Co-Leader: ENEA
Main Contact: Giulia Monteleone
Other Partners:
- FBK – Affiliate - Main Contact: Matteo Testi
- POLIBA – Affiliate - Main Contact: Marco Torresi
- POLIMI – Affiliate - Main Contact: Matteo Maestri
- UNIBO – Affiliate - Main Contact: Valerio Cozzani
- CNR – Affiliate -Main Contact: Antonino Aricò
- UNIPI – Affiliate - Main Contact: Alessandro Franco
- UNIROMA1 – Affiliate - Main Contact: Livio De Santoli
- IIT – Affiliate - Main Contact: Fabrizio Pirri
- IREN - Affiliate - Main Contact: Giulio Buffo
- SNAM - Affiliate - Main Contact: Matteo Lualdi
- BAKER HUGHES - Affiliate - Main Contact: Marco Ruggiero
- ARCO FC - Affiliate - Main Contact: Andrea Raggi, Giovanni Cufalo
- INTESA SANPAOLO - Affiliate - Main Contact: Paolo Panzarini
Start date: 1 novembre 2022
End date: 31 ottobre 2025
Duration: 36 months
WEBSITE: https://fondazionenest.it