The academic Doctoral Network HIPO - Integrated High-speed Power Systems for Industry and Mobile Applications is a project supported by the European Union (grant agreement n. 101072580) in the framework of the worldwide recognized Horizon Europe programme - Marie Skolodwska-Curie Actions.
The objective of the HIPO Project is to turn 10 talented and enthusiastic graduates who earned brilliantly a M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Electrical Engineering (power applications) or related disciplines into high-level PhD experts addressing different topics and aspects in the broad field of electric machines, power electronics and electrical drives and related technologies. Such target is pursued by means of a synergic collaboration among 6 internationally recognized Universities actively working in these fields and 6 renown industrial partners specialized in pertinent products and processes:
Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland - coordinating institution)
* Integrated power converter and electric machine with segregated coils for high power systems
* Axially laminated solid synchronous reluctance rotor
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
* Investigation of novel manufacturing technologies for high-speed synchronous reluctance machines
* Advanced cooling designs for highly integrated drive systems with high power density
University of Technology (Sweden)
* High-speed high-performance electric vehicle motor without using rare-earth magnets
* System optimization using SiC inverter technologies for high-speed drive systems
Aalborg University (Denmark)
* Electromagnetic interference analysis and mitigation of highly integrated power electronics in motor drives
* Integrated design for reliability of motor drives in high-power high-speed machines
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
* Development of process chains for functional integration and performance improvement of in-wheel motor components
University of Pisa
* Multiphysics design of a high-power-density and high-efficiency propulsion drive
Nowadays, electric machines, power converters and electrical drives are becoming of paramount importance in a multitude of applications: in fact, since a few decades more and more advanced converters are employed and required in an ever growing range of electrical apparatuses, and this also sparkled a parallel huge evolution in the field of electric machines, permitting to create innovative and quite effective electrical drives.
This produced a very lively and intense research and development activity to support the flourishing production worldwide and to accomplish the high expectations concerning the imminent electrification of so many different applications.
Quite evident examples of this general trend can be found in the fields of electrification of transportation, power generation from renewable sources, industry automation and robotic systems, domotic civil applications, lighting and climatization of buildings etc.
Therefore, the HIPO Doctoral Network will offer its PhD Students an excellent opportunity to specialize in the field of electric machines, power electronics and electrical drives, permitting to enter an exciting technology-rich world which will play a central role in the ongoing green transition, having excellent professional perspectives with plenty of foreseeable job opportunities both in the industry and in the academia.
NEWS: The deadlines for applications have now expired for all of the 10 positions available in the HIPO Project and the assessment of the candidates has started according to the specific procedures decided by the different universities. The selection of the Doctoral Students will be probably over by late January or early February. The aimed start date for the PhD activities is 1 March 2023.
Other Partners:
Start date: 01/09/2022
End date: 31/08/2026
Duration: 48 months
Call title: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01
Unipi role: PARTNER
WEBSITE: https://www.lut.fi/en/projects/hipo