The project aims to demonstrate a novel concept of efficient, low-cost, low-temperature, high-energy density micro-thermal energy storage (μTES) dedicated to concentrated solar power (CSP) systems. The project's ultimate goal is to develop and test an efficient TES with a higher than-ambient heat pump (HP) heat transfer fluid (HTF) inlet temperature achieved with a solar CSP. The new TES will achieve a large TES storage density, minimum response time, highest roundtrip efficiency and cost viability. The project aims to develop, test, and validate a high-energy density thermal storage unit (>100 kWh) for relatively low-temperatures (< 160C) heat transfer fluid (HTF), namely a state-of-the-art environmentally friendly refrigerant fluid such as R1233zd(E) or R245fa. The main innovation combines a novel cycle concept with a μTES technology dedicated to a CSP, achieving the highest roundtrip efficiency. High-power heat exchangers are also optimised within the embedded TES material. Overall, the system is expected to achieve up to 6 h of kW-scale thermal output operations extending well beyond sunset. The objectives will be realised through the following steps:1) Selection of high-power density TES material. The proposed HTF is a state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly refrigerant. The final solution is a high-power density TES with an optimised HTF and heat exchanger architecture. 2) Testing of main subsystems and components. A novel compressor for HP is introduced. 3) Integration of the μTES with a kW-scale CSP plant, incorporating a heat pump (HP) and a discharge heat exchanger (HX) that is present at an ORC (not included in the project) input. 4) InnoSolPower prototype will operate in a relevant environment. 5) Detailed cost analysis and LCOE. The project starts from a laboratory (TRL 4) level, and the consortium brings the product development to TRL 6 or higher. This cost-competitive thermal energy storage product with superior thermal performance and space requirements is expected to capture a significant market share among small-scale electricity and heat production applications (autonomous consumers, off-grid applications, isolated areas).
Coordinator: Pars Makina Ltd.
Other Partners: http://innosolpower.com/
Start date: 15/01/2021
End date: 14/01/2024
Duration: 36 months
Call title: CSP-ERANET 1st Call
Unipi role: PARTNER
WEBSITE: http://innosolpower.com/